Head on my pillow
dozing o f f
a flash of a PLACE
will come to mind
will visit my rest.
All of the details of the place
so vivid that
I sense that I am there.
It’s a shock to my rest
how detailed such old memories can be
The sense of the place so clear in my pillowed head
the it jerks me briefly far away from my rest.
The dead of the place
Were the reason I was at that place sometime in the past
Death scenes from
5 years
10 years
20 years past.
THEY are often present
As my memory re-visits
the place
the presence of the dead isn’t scary.
They are just dead
They are Memories of the dead
We can re-visit the dead
(and their PLACES).
The dead do not visit us
Because they are gone
And all the gods are gone too.
I do not like these dozing-off visits
There are no greetings
no conversation
just observation.
They are visits without a host
No sociality
I’m alone
All is imagery in these rooms
in these places.
I shake my head
change the thought
Adjust my pillow
and re-visit my rest.
©️Montgomery J Nelson